26 Mar, 2023
If you had to ask anyone to walk your dog, you'd better hope it's this guy.
10 Nov, 2022
It's not about the destination. The journey, either. I just wanna feel like I did something this week.
26 Apr, 2022
Call it what you want, I don't seem to have any control over it anyways.
06 Apr, 2022
Oh, don't worry about me. Chances are it'd be for nothing anyways.
05 Jan, 2022
It's less about what you need to do and more about what you can. At least for this guy.
20 Dec, 2021
Was it worth dying for? Probably not.
11 Nov, 2021
What started as a joke turned into a creature no one else could've imagined.
06 Nov, 2021
He doesn't know what he thinks and that's not as easy as it looks.
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